Our search. Your opportunity.
Unitarian Universalist Church of the Imagination
Is searching for a talented, Lifespan Religious Education Leader.
Unitarian Universalist Church of the Imagination
Is searching for a talented, Lifespan Religious Education Leader.
Introduce the position and the vision for the future of the religious education program and the vision.
"We are looking for a religious education professional who will walk with us as we....."
"We are looking for a religious education professional who will walk with us as we....."
- Describe successes from the interim process
- The congregation is now ready to hire a settled professional - describe the vision for this position
- Add a link to the Position page
- Add a paragraph to outline search timeline
- Add pictures of religious education/interim work in action
- May even want to thank the interim religious educator for the lay leadership and key leaders in the transition
Put cool quote here>....